9th Workshop on Real-Time Systems

--- WTR 2007 ---

Belem, Brazil, May 28th, 2007

Local Information

In conjunction with the

25th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks
Belem, Brazil, May 28th-June 1st, 2007

General Chair
Leandro Buss Becker, (UFSC, Brazil)

Program Chairs
George Lima, Universidad Federal de Bahia
Rodrigo Santos, LSD Univ. Nacional del Sur

Program Committee
Alan Burns, University of York (UK)
Alex Dean, NCSU (USA)
Aline Andrade UFBA (Brazil)
Antônio Augusto Fröhlich, UFSC (Brazil)
Carlos Montez, UFSC (Brazil)
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, UFRGS (Brazil)
Daniel Mossé, University of Pittsburgh (USA)
Douglas Renaux, UTFP (Brazil)
Flavio Wagner, UFRGS (Brazil)
Gerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Hector Benitez-Perez, UNAM (Mexico)
Jörg Kaiser, Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg (Germany)
Jean-Marie Farines, UFSC (Brazil)
João Netto, UFRGS (Brazil)
Joni Fraga, UFSC (Brazil)
José Fonseca, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
Julius Leite, UFF (Brazil)
Keiko Fonseca, UTFPR (Brazil)
Lucia Lo Bello, University of Catania (Italy)
Luciano Porto Barreto,UFBA (Brazil)
Luis Almeida, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
Luis Pinho, ISEP (Portugal)
Nicolas Navet, LORIA (France)
Orlando Loques, UFF (Brazil)
Pau Martí, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Paulo Portugal, University of Porto (Portugal)
Raimundo Barreto, UFAM (Brazil)
Raimundo Macêdo, UFBA (Brazil)
Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, UFSC (Brazil)
Stefan Petters, NICTA (Australia)

Other Real-Time events

  • ECRTS 2007
  • RTSS 2007
  • 1st Artist European-South American School
  • The Ninth edition of the Workshop on Real-Time Systems (WTR 2007), will be held on May in Belem-Brazil, in conjunction with the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC 2007). WTR is a traditional yearly event in Brazil which provides a suitable forum for discussions on the real-time systems area. Its objective is both to promote debates on recent theoretical and practical advances in the field and to disseminate ideas and trends on real-time area among academic and industrial sectors. In the last editions there has been an important growth in the participation from Latin America and Europe.

    Scope: WTR 2007 seeks new contributions on any aspects of Real-Time Systems. Authors are invited to submit original work dealing with research, experiments or case studies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Modeling; Formal Methods; Hardware/Software Co-design;
    • Scheduling Algorithms and Analysis; Energy and Power-aware RT
    • Software Engineering; Real-Time Middleware;
    • Distributed Systems; Fault-Tolerance; Embedded Systems; Ubiquitous Computing; Sensor Networks; Mobile Computing;
    • Software and hardware Architectures; Operating systems; Communication Protocols; Soft, hard, firm Real-Time systems;
    • Multimedia and QoS Support; Real-Time Databases;
    • Programming languages; Industrial applications.

    The workshop will include two keynote speeches by a renowned researcheres in the field, a few regular sessions and one Work-in-Progress session to capture very recent on-going work. The WiP session will include short oral presentations and a poster session.

    Preliminar Program

    Previous workshops

  • WTR 2006
  • WTR 2005
  • WTR 2004
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